Understanding the Complaints & Regulatory Actions Against Spartan Capital Securities

Spartan Capital Securities, a notable financial services company, is currently facing significant scrutiny due to a series of complaints and regulatory actions. The firm has been accused of various questionable practices, such as churning, excessive trading, and major compliance violations. This article explores these complex allegations, outlines the specific charges against Spartan Capital Securities, and offers advice for individuals impacted by these issues.

What is Spartan Capital Securities?

Spartan Capital Securities, LLC (CRD# 146251) is a financial services firm based in New York. Offering a wide range of investment options and advisory services, the company is a registered broker-dealer under the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). This registration means Spartan Capital Securities operates under stringent regulations designed to protect clients’ interests.

The firm caters to both individual investors and financial advisors, providing diverse financial products and strategies to help clients meet their investment objectives. However, despite its strong reputation and comprehensive service offerings, Spartan Capital Securities has encountered significant regulatory issues and customer complaints, particularly related to its trading practices and adherence to compliance standards.

Common Complaints Against Spartan Capital Securities

Churning and Excessive Trading

One of the main grievances lodged against Spartan Capital Securities is the practice of churning. This unethical behavior involves brokers executing an excessive number of trades in a client’s account to boost their own commission fees, rather than working towards the client’s financial objectives. Churning can significantly diminish a client’s portfolio value due to unnecessary fees and the negative impact of frequent market transactions. Regulatory bodies such as FINRA closely monitor this practice, as it directly opposes the duty of acting in the client’s best interest.

The consequences of churning are often severe, leading to substantial financial losses for the client. Even if the trades appear profitable, they can create high tax liabilities from short-term capital gains. Detecting churning can be difficult because it may resemble a proactive investment strategy. However, it becomes evident when the trading frequency does not match the client’s investment goals, resulting in high commission costs without equivalent benefits.

Compliance Issues

Spartan Capital Securities has come under fire for its lax compliance practices, especially regarding mandatory regulatory reporting. The firm has repeatedly failed to update Forms U4 and U5 promptly, which are crucial for revealing customer-initiated arbitrations and their outcomes. Such delays and inaccuracies undermine transparency, potentially misleading clients and regulators about the broker’s history and customer issues.

Additionally, the firm has been accused of misclassifying the results of customer disputes, often marking cases as closed, withdrawn, or dismissed when they were actually settled. This misrepresentation can give current and potential clients a falsely positive view of the broker’s professional conduct and dispute resolution track record.

FINRA’s Intervention — The Case Against Spartan Capital Securities

Spartan Capital Securities has been the focus of intense scrutiny by FINRA because of ongoing compliance failures and problematic trading practices. These persistent issues have cast serious doubts on the firm’s commitment to adhering to regulatory standards designed to protect investors. The extent and frequency of these compliance breaches have compelled FINRA to intervene repeatedly, taking necessary actions to enforce compliance. This ongoing situation underscores significant concerns about Spartan Capital Securities’ ability to operate within the regulatory framework and maintain the trust of its investors. FINRA’s interventions are aimed at compelling the firm to correct its course and uphold the integrity of the financial markets.

Key Compliance Failures

Reporting Failures: Spartan Capital Securities faced charges for repeatedly failing to promptly update Forms U4 and U5. The firm neglected to make 223 necessary amendments for 72 brokers, with 162 of these related to customer-initiated arbitrations. Moreover, the firm did not disclose nine instances where customers won their arbitration disputes against the firm’s brokers. Co-Founder and CEO John Lowry, along with Chief Administrative Officer Kim Monchik, were held responsible for not filing the forms on time, directly contributing to the firm’s systemic reporting failures.

The FINRA arbitration case (Case No. 18-04117): centered on serious allegations against Spartan Capital Securities, including breach of fiduciary duty, churning, unauthorized trading, and inadequate supervision related to Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). The arbitration concluded with Spartan Capital Securities being ordered to compensate the complainant with $15,806.45.

Due to these compliance failures, Spartan Capital Securities faced substantial financial and operational repercussions. The firm was fined $600,000 and required to hire an independent consultant to revamp its supervisory procedures. Additionally, John Lowry and Kim Monchik were individually fined $40,000 and $30,000, respectively, and both received a two-year suspension from associating with any FINRA member firm.

Highlighted Case: Thomas James Baumann

Thomas James Baumann, who served as a broker with Spartan Capital Securities from 2013 to 2022, is facing a FINRA investigation under serious allegations. Baumann is accused of engaging in churning—excessive buying and selling of securities primarily to generate commissions—along with advocating for aggressive trading strategies that were ill-suited to his clients’ risk profiles and financial needs.

The crux of the allegations is that Baumann may have prioritized his own commission earnings over the financial well-being of his clients. Churning not only disregards the clients’ investment objectives but also can lead to significant losses due to unnecessary transaction fees and taxes. Additionally, promoting high-risk strategies to clients who are not equipped or willing to handle such risks further suggests a potential breach of fiduciary duty, where the broker is expected to act in the best interest of their clients. This situation highlights concerns about whether Baumann’s actions were driven by personal financial gain rather than genuine concern for his clients’ financial health.

Key customer disputes involving Baumann include:

  • In September 2018, a dispute arose over alleged churning and unsuitable transactions, with damages claimed at $6,645,956. This issue was resolved with a settlement of $55,000.
  • In January 2020, another complaint was filed, accusing Baumann of misrepresentation and providing unsuitable advice. The initial claim was around $767,545, but it was settled for $18,000.
  • In March 2020, a dispute concerning unsuitable investments and alleged negligence was resolved with a settlement of just under $10,000, while the original claim sought over $42,000.
  • Baumann has consistently denied any wrongdoing, explaining that these complaints are the result of misunderstandings and that the clients involved were experienced investors who understood the risks associated with their investments.

What To Do If You’ve Been Impacted by Spartan Capital Securities’ Practices

If you think Spartan Capital Securities has negatively impacted your investments, it’s important to act quickly to safeguard your finances. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the situation:

Examine Your Account Statements: Start by carefully reviewing your transaction history with Spartan Capital Securities. Look for any unauthorized transactions or unusual activity, especially trades that you didn’t approve.

  1. Spot Excessive Trading: Check for signs of excessive trading or “churning” in your account. This can include frequent buying and selling of securities, high turnover rates, and unusually high broker commissions. These patterns might indicate that your broker was making trades to earn commissions rather than focusing on your financial goals.
  1. Investigate Complaints and Regulatory Actions: Research any public complaints or regulatory actions against Spartan Capital Securities. Resources like FINRA BrokerCheck, the SEC’s EDGAR Database, your State Securities Regulator, and the Better Business Bureau (BBB) can provide valuable insights into whether others have faced similar issues.
  1. Consult a Professional: Seek advice from a financial advisor or attorney who can provide guidance tailored to your situation. They can help you understand your rights and outline the next steps if you’ve been impacted.
  1. File a Complaint with FINRA: If you believe Spartan Capital Securities has engaged in unethical or illegal practices affecting your investments, consider filing a complaint with FINRA. They have the authority to investigate the issue and work towards a resolution.

Taking these steps can help you address any potential problems and protect your investments.

Can You Sue Spartan Capital Securities?

  • If you’ve experienced financial losses due to Spartan Capital Securities, you do have options for seeking recovery, though there are specific procedures to follow.
  • Typically, agreements with financial firms, including Spartan Capital Securities, contain a clause that mandates disputes be resolved through FINRA arbitration rather than going to court. Here’s how you can approach this situation:
  • Know Your Rights: As an investor, you’re entitled to reliable financial advice and responsible management of your investments. If Spartan Capital Securities or its employees have caused you financial harm, you have the right to seek compensation.
  • Consult a Specialist Lawyer: Investment-related disputes can be intricate. It’s best to consult with a lawyer who specializes in securities law and has experience in recovering investment losses. They can evaluate your case thoroughly and guide you through the arbitration process.
  • Prepare for Arbitration: If you choose to file a claim with FINRA, you’ll need to present evidence showing that Spartan Capital Securities or its representatives acted improperly or against your interests. Your lawyer can assist in preparing your case, ensuring all necessary documentation and arguments are well-organized.
  • Avoid Direct Negotiations Without Legal Help: Attempting to resolve the issue directly with Spartan Capital Securities without legal representation can be risky. Having an experienced attorney ensures that your complaint is taken seriously and helps you navigate the complexities of the process effectively.

Consulting With Our Attorneys About Spartan Capital Securities

If Spartan Capital Securities has not managed your investments ethically or fairly, Sonn Law Group is here to stand up for your rights. Our experienced attorneys specialize in securities and investment fraud, with over 30 years of expertise in both arbitration and litigation. Whether you’re facing issues like churning, excessive trading, or regulatory breaches, we are ready to handle the complexities of FINRA arbitration to help you seek justice and recover your losses.

Count on us to protect your interests against even the toughest investment firms. For a free consultation on how we can help you reclaim your investment losses, reach out to us today.


Spartan Capital Securities has come under intense regulatory scrutiny due to complaints about aggressive trading practices, such as churning and excessive trading, as well as compliance issues. These concerns have led to hefty fines and eroded trust among investors. If you believe you’ve been affected by Spartan Capital Securities’ practices, it’s important to act quickly to safeguard your financial well-being. Start by reviewing your account statements for signs of excessive trading. Seeking advice from a financial professional can be invaluable. Also, consider filing a complaint with FINRA and consulting with a specialized attorney who can guide you through arbitration and help you pursue compensation for any losses you’ve incurred.

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