Exploring ‘Beldames’ in NYT Crosswords: A Guide to Historical and Literary Clues”


The term “beldames” is a word that has largely faded from everyday conversation but still pops up in literary works and crossword puzzles. Historically, it referred to older women, often portrayed with a certain negativity or in a fantastical manner. Grasping the subtleties of this term can deepen your understanding and appreciation when you encounter it in puzzles or literature.

Unpacking the Term “Beldames” in History and Literature

The word “Beldame” originates from Middle French, where it initially meant “grandmother” or simply “old woman.” Over time, however, its meaning evolved to take on a more negative connotation, often describing elderly women as haggard or witch-like.

Historical Background

In historical contexts, “Beldames” referred to older women who were sometimes thought topossess mystical or supernatural powers. This usage reflects how past cultures viewed older women with a mix of suspicion and awe, often associating them with witchcraft.

Beldames in Literature

The term “Beldames” in literature offers a window into how different eras perceived older women. Writers have used this term to create a sense of mystery, fear, or reverence, often depicting these women as having a potent, otherworldly presence.

Examples in Classic Literature

In classic literature, “Beldames” frequently appear as wise but unsettling figures. For example, Shakespeare’s plays often feature old women with mystical knowledge, using similar terms to highlight their significant yet eerie influence on the plot.

Modern Literary Usage

Today, authors might use “Beldames” to evoke a sense of historical depth or to draw on its rich, old-world associations. These characters are often depicted with a blend of respect and fear, underscoring their perceived wisdom and power.

Decoding “Beldames” in Crossword Puzzles

In crossword puzzles, the term “Beldames” often appears as a clue that draws on historical and literary knowledge. Understanding its background and implications can be key to solving such clues effectively.

Typical Crossword Clues

For “Beldames,” clues might involve themes related to witches, elderly women, or mystical figures. You might see clues like:

  • “Archaic term for witchy older women”
  • “Legendary old women”
  • “Elderly figures in folklore”

How to Solve the Clue

When you come across “Beldames” in a crossword, look for synonyms and related concepts that match the number of letters and spaces in the puzzle. Consider words linked to old age, mysticism, and historical perceptions of older women.

Cultural Impact of “Beldames”

The term “Beldames” has a cultural resonance that goes beyond its literal meaning. It reflects past attitudes towards aging, gender, and the supernatural.

Artistic and Folkloric Depictions

In art and folklore, “Beldames” are often portrayed as wise yet intimidating figures. They represent a blend of respect for age and wisdom with a hint of fear associated with the unknown and the mystical.

Contemporary Views

Though rarely used today, the concept of “Beldames” continues to influence discussions about how older women are depicted in media and literature. Modern takes on the term may aim to highlight the positive aspects of wisdom and experience, rather than focusing on fear and superstition.


1. What does “Beldames” mean?

“Beldames” is an archaic term derived from Middle French, originally meaning “grandmother” or “old woman.” Over time, it has come to describe elderly women in a negative or fantastical light, often associated with witch-like qualities.

2. How is “Beldames” used in NYT crossword puzzles?

In NYT crosswords, “Beldames” is used as a clue referring to older women with mystical or witch-like characteristics. Clues might include phrases like “Archaic term for witchy older women” or “Elderly figures in folklore.”

3. What kind of clues might you find for “Beldames”?

Clues for “Beldames” usually reference themes related to old age, mysticism, or folklore. Examples include “Legendary old women” or “Elderly women in stories.”

4. Why is “Beldames” a relevant term in crosswords?

The term “Beldames” adds historical and literary depth to crossword puzzles, providing a way to explore and appreciate older language and cultural references.

5. How can understanding “Beldames” help with solving crosswords?

Knowing the meaning and context of “Beldames” helps solvers connect the term with clues involving mystical, witch-like older women, making it easier to find the correct answers in the puzzle.


The term “Beldames” provides an intriguing historical and literary element to NYT crossword puzzles. Originally meaning “old woman” or “grandmother,” it has evolved to describe elderly figures with mystical or witch-like qualities. Understanding its historical context and usage in literature enriches your crossword-solving experience and helps decode clues that refer to such characters. By familiarizing yourself with terms like “Beldames,” you gain a deeper appreciation for the layers of meaning in crossword puzzles and the rich tapestry of language they explore.

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